Monday 9 January 2012

Religion - Religious Practices Of Christianity,Buddhism,Hinduism,Islam sikhism

Religion - Religious Practices Of Christianity,Buddhism,Hinduism,Islam sikhism

Religion :This page describes the services of the world’s major religions which are (in no particular order):



The most customary way in which Christians worship is by the taking of bread and wine. This is known as several names, Mass, Eucharist and Holy Communion. It usually takes place in a church. The purpose of the taking of bread and wine is to remember how Jesus ate the Last Supper with his disciples.

The bread and wine is blessed before being taken by the congregation. The service is usually accompanied by the singing of hymns and readings from the Bible. A collection is held for the congregation to donate towards the upkeep of the church


Bhuddhists may be split into two distinct groups, Theravada Buddhists and Mahayana Buddhists. Theravada Buddhists originate from India, Sri Lanka, Myananar and Thailand. They traditionally worship in a temple where incense is burned and paper lanterns are lit.

While worshipping they offer gifts to the Three Jewels, which are the Buddha, the Dharma (the teachings) and the sanha (the monks). Flowers, incense sticks and small statues are traditionally offered as gifts and bells are rung during this gift-making.

The Mahayana Buddhists originate from China and Tibet and worship in pagoda styles buildings. These temples contain a set of prayer wheels, cylinders with prayers inscribed on them. Turning the wheels is believed to carry the prayers to all parts of the world. Many Mahayana Bhuddhists go to the temple to ask questions about the future.

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