Wednesday 11 January 2012

Beliefs - What Do You Have to Believe to Prosper as an Entrepreneur?

Beliefs - What Do You Have to Believe to Prosper as an Entrepreneur?

Your beliefs, assumptions, and opinions give shape to the world, ordering the vast quantities of information and overwhelming amount of stimulation you receive every moment.

As many self-mastery gurus have advised us over the years, negative or limiting beliefs tend to close down possibilities, narrow the future and put a lid on progress. Much has been written (and fortunes built) on how to identify and end limiting beliefs.

While it is important to be able to notice and work through limiting beliefs, it is also important to know and take a stand for what you "have to believe," to be proactive about what gets you out of bed in the morning, sparks your vision, fuels your choices, and instills the spirit of entrepreneurship.

What do you have to believe in order to show up, serve, and prosper as an entrepreneur?

But what about positive beliefs? While it is crucial to be able to notice and work through limiting beliefs, it is also significant to know and take a stand for what you "have to believe," to be proactive about what gets you out of bed in the morning, sparks your vision, fuels your choices, and instills the spirit of entrepreneurship.

A "have to belief" is a way of understanding that resonates so deeply with your sense of purpose, meaning, and service that you willingly embrace it and subordinate your choices to it.

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