Sunday 15 January 2012

Blogging Advice - Blogging On A Social Network

Blogging Advice - Blogging On A Social Network

Blogging advice: Blogging is becoming increasingly popular and social networks are also becoming more and more popular as well. Social networks include popular websites such as Stumbleupon, where users can create personal websites and interact with other users.

These websites may include a wide range of components including text, images, audio, video and blogs. Here system users can voice their opinions, provided updates on their life, offer insight into current events or accomplish a number of other goals.

However, bloggers who utilize a social network to maintain their blog should consider a few different factors.

This article will discuss some of these factors including whether to make the blogs available to the public or keep them private, considering the audience of the blog and dealing with harassment through the blog.

Making Blogs Private or Public

Most social networks enable users to make their website either private or public. Private websites are only available to the user and other users he specifically approves to view his website while public websites are available to all users of the system.

These same capabilities also apply to the blogs which are maintained on a social network. For this reason bloggers must determine whether or not they wish to make their blog posts available to the entire social network or to only a fraction of this network.

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