Sunday 25 March 2012

Tips For Setting Goals - Personal Goal Setting

Tips For Setting Goals - Personal Goal Setting

Why is it that most goals are never achieved? These seven tips for setting goals if applied will ensure you achieve your goals but it will continually be hard work.

Is it even possible to count the number of times that you have heard that being successful is all down to setting goals? It may come as no surprise to you to learn there is a lot more to success than just setting your goals.

Most of us, at some time, have been told that an essential part, if not the most important part, of being successful is setting goals. If that were true many more of us would be successful millionaires, actors, parents...etc. In this article I show you why many people fail to achieve their goals and how to be successful whatever you want or need.

1) What is a goal?
A goal is a target achievable in measurable attainable steps. It is more than just a desire or a need and has an existence of its own. A desire or a wish is less tangible and often just fleeting. Who doesn't desire or wish to win the lottery with all its millions in prize money.

Very few would not but, despite the widespread desire, it is not a goal. A goal is a desire, wish or need achievable by actions you can take. It is more than a mere wish or desire.

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