Sunday 18 March 2012

101 Marketing Strategies - e Marketing Strategies

101 Marketing Strategies - e Marketing Strategies

101 marketing strategies:Contrary to public belief, people will always pay for quality products.Why? It simply makes their lives easier.Before you even think about any marketing strategies,what you need to ask yourself is,are you absolutely offering quality products to your customers.

There is simply no point in planning to execute 101 Marketing Strategiesif all you are doing is offering shoddy products.Eventually,your customers will see through you and one by one ,they will walk.

Value should always be the yardstick against which all your products should be measured.If your focus is sincerely on providing real value and helping people,it is just not possibe to fail.Why? Glad you asked.The reason being, people can see through shoddy products, no matter how much your sales pages are hyped.

You definitely do not want a reputation for providing poor quality products.Gaining a reputation for quality, on the other hand, leads to brisk sales and lots of repeat customers.

Provide Value And People Will Be Willing To Pay For It

The instant people notice that they get back added value from you than they paid in price, they in fact tend to be willing to pay you more over time.So, remember these facts in everything you do. Try to use it as a guide in your product selection, advertising, and in all of the information you share with prospective customers.A focus on value will always be the best approach.So remember, the top item on your list of 101 Marketing Strategies,VALUE.

10 Marketing Tips For Entrepreneurs

Nothing happens in business until a sale is made. Marketing is simply about getting new customers and keeping them. If you’re not doing something everyday to market and promote your business, your competitors are.

Here are ten easy-to-implement tips to effectively market and grow your business:

1. Partner with large email database list owners and offer to cross promote each oher. The list owner will advertise your event, product, or service to their email database and you’ll offer to do the same to your list.

2. Create your own blog which is an online journal with frequently updated posts to entertain and excite existing and potential customers. It’s more personal and immediate than a website and keeps people engaged and hopefully coming back for more. You can even create one for free at

3. If you want to increase word-of-mouth fast, do something beyond normal industry expectations. For example, Mr. Lube offers fast and affordable tune-up service to customers right on the spot, without having to leave the car, while offering coffee, cappuccino, and a fresh newspaper.

4. Always ask happy clients for endorsements or testimonials and put them on your website and other marketing collateral. They’re worth their weight in gold. Try to get some recognizable names in your community for additional cachet.

5. Put a special offer or product advertorial on every invoice and statement you send out. Likewise, you can also negotiate a deal with another company to advertise your product or service on all their invoices for a percentage of revenues from placed orders.

6. Make your business cards stand out and be natural keepers. Offer important information on the back such as emergency phone numbers, a map, or special dates to remember. Have a slogan that offers a powerful benefit statement to your prospective customer.

7. Offer special bonus packages with your product or service offering. Get corporate sponsors to give away products as part of the bonus package in exchange for free exposure.

8. Align your business with a cause or charity. Give back to your community. Customers appreciate doing business with companies that are bettering their communities and the environment and being good corporate citizens.

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