Tuesday 20 March 2012

Law Of Attraction - Create Resistance Or Creative Acceptance

Law Of Attraction - Create Resistance Or Creative Acceptance

Law of attraction: Resistance is not a new word, but for many of us awareness of resistance is new. In Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, resistance is defined: "to withstand, to strive against, to exert force in opposition, to counteract, defeat or frustrate."

Resistance is useful if there is a flu or virus around. If your body's immune system is working as it should, you'll have good "resistance to disease"--you'll stay healthy. Resistance to the temptation to do something that goes against your core values will strengthen you, while giving into that temptation will weaken your character.

Resistance can be an indicator that something isn't quite right for you, at this time. It's good to notice resistance and to ask yourself, "Why am I experiencing this resistance?"
There's another side to resistance. The other side of resistance destroys the very thing that we desire. 

This resistance arises from a dislike for change. Humans are sort of strange in that we offer a desire to the Universe, and then we resist the very changes this desire sets in motion.
For example, when I offered my desire to become financially independent, I didn't realize that the answer would come in the shape of lots of hardship. But it did.

When I asked for financial independence I had a different scenario in mind that went something like this: "My business income will increase steadily until it reaches a certain amount.
The Universe responded to my desire--just not as I had expected--and I resisted the change. The Universe knew that in order to become independent I had to first BE independent

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