Thursday 29 March 2012

Mutual Funds - What Are Mutual Funds?

Mutual Funds - What Are Mutual Funds?

Mutual funds are very popular. In fact, they are the one of the most popular investments on the market today. What does that mean in numbers? There are over 10,000 different funds with over $17 trillion in investments!!

Total U.S. retirement assets were $17.0 trillion as of September 30, 2011, down 7.5 percent from the record high of $18.4 trillion in assets recorded as of June 30, 2011. The decline in retirement assets was driven in part by the drop in corporate equity values—for example, the S&P 500 index fell by 13.9 percent in the third quarter.

Account balances fell by less than stock indexes because of asset diversification and ongoing net inflows from retirement plan contributions. Retirement savings accounted for 36 percent of all household financial assets in the United States at the end of the third quarter of 2011.

Why are they so popular? For some, it is because of their great returns. Others like funds because they are easy to buy and sell. Still others like them because they are diversified and less risky.

A mutual fund raises money from investors to invest in stocks, bonds, and other securities. It is a package made up of several individual investments. When those investments gain or lose value, you gain or lose as well.

When they pay dividends, you get a share of them. Mutual funds also offer professional management and diversification. They do much of your investing work for you.

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Wednesday 28 March 2012

Banff - Banff And Lake Louise, Canadian Rocky Mountain Jewel

Banff - Banff And Lake Louise, Canadian Rocky Mountain Jewel

Banff: One of the most beloved travel destinations in Canada is the Banff and Lake Louise area located in the province of Alberta. The town of Banff is 90 minutes (75 miles) west of Calgary and is within the Banff National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage site.

One can see the Rocky Mountains from Calgary since the Banff area is at the eastern edge of the Canadian Rocky Mountain range. It is also one of the most visited areas in Canada all year round since the rugged beauty of the mountains and the protected wilderness draws tourists from around the world. 

During the winter, the three local resorts of Sunshine Village, Norquay Mystic Ridge and Lake Louise offer some of the best snow skiing around.


There are numerous shops, restaurants and small to mid-sized hotels in the town of Banff which is why the majority of travelers use it as the base during their stays. The town itself is small enough to walk around in as large scale development is limited.

The reason being Banff is located within a national park. As a result, the town of Canmore just outside the national park boundary has become a recent spot of development. This offers tourists with rental cars another choice for accommodations.

There is a complete range of accommodations from budget motels to the ritzy and majestic Fairmont Banff Springs Hotel overlooking the nearby valley. Many hotels have views of the mountain ranges and there is something very magical about waking up and seeing a snow capped peak first thing in the morning, particularly during the non-winter season.

Like the choice of accommodations, the range of dining opportunities covers the entire spectrum as well. Travelers can dine at the most fancy eating establishments or buy their own groceries at the local grocer.

One thing for beef lovers is not to miss the Alberta prime rib here which is a local specialty. It practically melts in your mouth. Some restaurants serve very generous 24 ounce (or higher) portions called mountain cuts for those who think they can eat it all.

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Tuesday 27 March 2012

Self Help - Acquire Power Through Self Development

Self Help - Acquire Power Through Self Development

Self help: It is the natural right of every human being to be happy to break away from all the miseries of life. Happiness is the normal condition, as natural as the landscapes and the seasons. It is unnatural to suffer and it is only because of our ignorance that we do suffer.

Happiness is the product of wisdom. To attain perfect wisdom, to comprehend fully the purpose of life, to realize completely the relationship of human beings to each other, is to put an end to all suffering, to escape every ill and evil that afflicts us. Perfect wisdom is unshadowed joy.

Why do we suffer in life? Because in the scheme of nature we are being forced forward in evolution and we lack the spiritual illumination that alone can light the way and enable us to move safely among the obstacles that lie before us.

Usually we do not even see or suspect the presence of trouble until it suddenly leaps upon us like a concealed tiger. One day our family circle is complete and happy. A week later death has come and gone and joy is replaced with agony.

Today we have a friend. Tomorrow he will be an enemy and we do not know why. A little while ago we had wealth and all material luxuries. There was a sudden change and now we have only poverty and misery and yet we seek in vain for a reason why this should be. 

There was a time when we had health and strength; but they have both departed and no trace of a reason appears.

Aside from these greater tragedies of life innumerable things of lesser consequence continually bring to us little miseries and minor heartaches. We most earnestly desire to avoid them but we never see them until they strike us, until in the darkness of our ignorance we blunder upon them.

The thing we lack is the spiritual illumination that will enable us to look far and wide, finding the hidden causes of human suffering and revealing the method by which they may be avoided; and if we can but reach illumination the evolutionary journey can be made both comfortably and swiftly.

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Monday 26 March 2012

Fundraising - The Four Major Forms Of Fundraising

Fundraising - The Four Major Forms Of Fundraising

Fundraising is, without a doubt, extremely challenging work. For any of you with experience in this line of work, you will understand what I mean. For the rest of you, go out and volunteer your time with a local non-profit organization.

After that, I think you will understand. While this can be a challenging profession, it continues to be quite rewarding in many respects.

Fundraising is simply the process of soliciting and gathering donations as money or other means, by requesting contributions from individuals, businesses, charitable foundations, or governmental agencies.

Fundraising typically refers to efforts to collect money on behalf of non-profit organizations, and is at times used to refer to the identification and solicitation of investors or other sources of capital for-profit enterprises.

Typically, fundraising consisted mostly of asking for donations on the street or at people's doors.There are four major forms of fundraising. When one mentions fundraising to the average person, the image of a well-meaning person going door-to-door begging for support immediately comes to mind.

While most of us have been there at some point or other, there is a lot more to this business than meets the eye. And yes, this is a business. The business of managing relationships; relationships which, more often than not, are the key determining factor for success.

The first major form of fundraising is dealing with institutional grantors. These organizations are often the most difficult to deal with, due to the inherent bureaucratic nature of these types of organizations.

On the other hand, grants and endowments from these organizations can often amount to incredible sums of money. For this reason alone, they should not be dismissed.

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Sunday 25 March 2012

Prostate - 7 Things Every Man Should Know About The Prostate

Prostate - 7 Things Every Man Should Know About The Prostate

Prostate: The next time you see your father, your uncle, or any older gentleman over age 60 or so, ask them about their prostate.

If you know the guy well enough, and he feels comfortable enough around you (some would say too comfortable), he will surely share a whole litany of the common prostate problems that are troubling him, or have troubled him, or will trouble him in the near future.

That's because an enlarged prostate, benign prostatic hypertrophy, and even prostate cancer can be in the cards for every man past a certain age.
It's the scary but true fact of getting old as a man. For instance, every man should know that prostate cancer is one of the most common prostate problems out there.

It tops the list of cancers that afflict men, happening in nearly as many men, roughly speaking, as breast cancer in women. Prostate cancer doesn't get the press that breast cancer does, however, probably because most men would rather not speak about what's happening down there.

The second thing most men don't, but should know is exactly what that prostate is. A prostate is actually part of a man's sexual organs. Located just below the bladder in a man, wrapped around the urethra, the prostate is about the size of a walnut.

Its main job in the birds-and-bees scheme of things is to add fluid to your sperm during ejaculation.

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Tips For Setting Goals - Personal Goal Setting

Tips For Setting Goals - Personal Goal Setting

Why is it that most goals are never achieved? These seven tips for setting goals if applied will ensure you achieve your goals but it will continually be hard work.

Is it even possible to count the number of times that you have heard that being successful is all down to setting goals? It may come as no surprise to you to learn there is a lot more to success than just setting your goals.

Most of us, at some time, have been told that an essential part, if not the most important part, of being successful is setting goals. If that were true many more of us would be successful millionaires, actors, parents...etc. In this article I show you why many people fail to achieve their goals and how to be successful whatever you want or need.

1) What is a goal?
A goal is a target achievable in measurable attainable steps. It is more than just a desire or a need and has an existence of its own. A desire or a wish is less tangible and often just fleeting. Who doesn't desire or wish to win the lottery with all its millions in prize money.

Very few would not but, despite the widespread desire, it is not a goal. A goal is a desire, wish or need achievable by actions you can take. It is more than a mere wish or desire.

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Saturday 24 March 2012

Choice Theory - An Explanation Of All Human Behavior

Choice Theory - An Explanation Of All Human Behavior

Choice Theory is actually an explanation of all human behavior developed by Dr. William Glasser. There are basically five components of this theory—the basic human needs, the quality world, the perceived world, the comparing place and total behavior.

This is a brief overview of each one, starting with the five basic human needs.
The Basic Human Needs

We are born with five basic human needs—survival, love & belonging, power, freedom and fun. We are all born with these needs but we experience them to varying degrees.
One person might have a high love & belonging need, while another person is high in freedom. We are born with these needs and are biologically driven to get them met in the best way available to us.

The Quality World

This is a place that exists inside all of us where we store pictures of things that have satisfied one or more of our basic needs in the past or things we think may satisfy them in the future.
These things do not have to meet society’s definition of quality. Alcohol is in the quality world of an alcoholic, stealing cars in the quality world of a car thief, and domestic violence is in the quality world of a batterer.

The only two requirements for entry into the quality world are that it meets one or more of our needs and it feels good.

The Perceived World

There is much to be said about the perceived world but for the purposes of this article, all I want to say is that we each have our own perceptions of the world.
Our sensory system takes in information through sight, touch, sound, taste and scent, however we all have unique ways of processing that information based on our life experiences, our culture, and our values.

The main thing to remember about the perceived world is that if you encounter others whose perceived world doesn’t match yours, it doesn’t mean one of you is wrong. It simply means you are different.

Remembering this simple statement will reduce much of the disagreements and fighting that occurs in people’s lives.

Acceptance of this fact would mean we could give up the need to convince others of our point of view. We could simply accept the fact that we see things differently and move on.

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Tuesday 20 March 2012

Web Design Tips - Advice,Helpful Hints And Information - Website Tips

Web Design Tips - Advice,Helpful Hints And Information - Website Tips

Web design tips: The internet has evolved from its early years into maturity. And as such, website development, design, and marketing, has become more sophisticated and complex. Various scripting methods, Content manipulation, fancy graphics and effects allow us to create some impressive web sites.

A useful gauge of this complexity is the a variety of new internet-related acronyms which popup on a regular basis.

But one acronym which makes complete sense - and it's not an internet creation - is nontheless key to the development and design of anysuccessful business website. You have i assume perhaps heard of it - K.I.S.S. As you probably know, it stands for 'Keep It Simple, Stupid!'.

And it's a methodology widely employed by the best web developers, designers and marketers in the business. A philosophy that provides the foundation for all successful revenue-generating web sites.

Starting from the largest, multi-product online business conglomerate to the one-page one-product mini-site, the purpose is the same. Provide visitors, whether internet savvy or first time surfers, with an online experience that's fast, efficient, easy to understand - and dare I say it... yes, enjoyable.

Perhaps you are an entrepreneur building your own web site, or reviewing one built for you by a web development and design expert, it is important your web site, your online business, adheres to these eight simple, yet essential, design principles. Heed them, and online success is sure to follow.

Ignore them, at your peril. Here they are.

8 Useful web Design Tips
1 Each web page must have a clear purpose - and that purpose must be plainly stated. While a consistent design 'look and feel' is vital across all pages of your web site, each page has a specific function to perform.
And that function should be clearly understood by all visitors to your web site. Whether it's to elicit feedback, provide feedback, promote your company, present product information, etc., all 
play a role in your ultimate goal of growing your business.

2 Navigation around and through your business web site must be clearly visible and easy to use.

3 Avoid distraction and clutter by minimizing usage of fancy flashing and moving objects, which provide more sizzle than steak, and make your essential products or services harder to find.

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Law Of Attraction - Create Resistance Or Creative Acceptance

Law Of Attraction - Create Resistance Or Creative Acceptance

Law of attraction: Resistance is not a new word, but for many of us awareness of resistance is new. In Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, resistance is defined: "to withstand, to strive against, to exert force in opposition, to counteract, defeat or frustrate."

Resistance is useful if there is a flu or virus around. If your body's immune system is working as it should, you'll have good "resistance to disease"--you'll stay healthy. Resistance to the temptation to do something that goes against your core values will strengthen you, while giving into that temptation will weaken your character.

Resistance can be an indicator that something isn't quite right for you, at this time. It's good to notice resistance and to ask yourself, "Why am I experiencing this resistance?"
There's another side to resistance. The other side of resistance destroys the very thing that we desire. 

This resistance arises from a dislike for change. Humans are sort of strange in that we offer a desire to the Universe, and then we resist the very changes this desire sets in motion.
For example, when I offered my desire to become financially independent, I didn't realize that the answer would come in the shape of lots of hardship. But it did.

When I asked for financial independence I had a different scenario in mind that went something like this: "My business income will increase steadily until it reaches a certain amount.
The Universe responded to my desire--just not as I had expected--and I resisted the change. The Universe knew that in order to become independent I had to first BE independent

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Monday 19 March 2012

Quick Weight Loss Tips - How To Lose Weight Quickly

Quick Weight Loss Tips - How To Lose Weight Quickly

5 Easy Ways to Boost Your Metabolism
1. Don’t Skip Breakfast
The morning meal jump starts your metabolism and helps to prevent bingeing later in the day. A cup of coffee does not count – the caffeine and added sugar may give you a bit of energy and suppress your appetite for a little while it is sure to back fire into severe hunger and you will be more likely to overeat later.

Breakfast should include complex carbohydrates like whole grain (granola or oatmeal), along with some protein and fat (low-fat yogurt or milk), will keep your energy levels even and hunger in check.

2. Eat more often
Get into the habit of eating every three to four hours or at least four times a day. Eating frequently stabilizes blood sugar, when blood sugar drops too low you want to eat…a lot.

By keeping your blood sugar stable you can control your appetite and keep you metabolic rate high. When you go many hours without eating, your body will compensate by slowing down to conserve energy…this effect hurts your weight loss efforts.

3. Eat protein at every meal
Protein will help to reduce your appetite, it takes more energy and time to digest, in effect you feel full longer than eating carbohydrates alone. Research shows that eating more protein can help you lose weight without cutting calories.

Try these protein possibilities: turkey on whole wheat; hummus and pita; vegetarian chili; fruit and nuts; or protein snack bars that contain 12 or more grams of protein.

4. Hold off on snacking
A lot of us grab a snack for quick energy when we are feeling tired. But do not confuse true hunger with fatigue. If you are feeling tired, go for a 15-20 minute brisk walk. This will raise your heart rate and give you a boost of energy.

Follow it up with a large glass of cool water. If you are truly hungry have a protein and complex carbohydrate rich snack like; whole wheat crackers and peanut butter or cheese.

5. Consume enough for your body’s needs
Eating too little slows your body’s metabolism the same way eating to infrequently does. If you want to lose weight, do not slash your calories too drastically.

Instead, cut out some of the extras in your diet – things like soda, juice, packaged goods or candy. Processed foods tend to be high in fat and calories and low in vitamins, minerals and fiber.

Walking to lose weight
Walking is an effective exercise for reducing weight and if practiced under a guide or trainer could give good results. Walking should be carried out daily for a at least 30 minutes to achieve the desired results.

Walking at a continuous pace not only boost your energy level, but also reduces your weight. Walking should be aimed at particular distance or duration covered to maintain the proper health and control weight.

Walking is one of the best exercises to control weight and to burn excess calories if good methods of walking are practised.

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Sunday 18 March 2012

San Sebastian Spain - San Sebastian Travel Guide And Tours

San Sebastian Spain - San Sebastian Travel Guide And Tours

San Sebastian Spain also known as Donostia-San Sebastian is the capital province of Gipuzkoa in the basque country, Spain. Surrounded by beaches this place is blessed with pristine beauty located on the Basque coast of northwest Spain 20 km away from the French border.

Strolling on the La Concha beach, the most famous and usually packed in July and August with large number of tourists is simply amazing. It is larger on the west side with an island and boats in the bay.

Those people who love sports and adventures this place is heaven for them. La Zurriola is on the east of the old town and is very popular and mostly thronged by the tourists, as it is a surf beach where you can simply get in and ride the Atlantic waves and enjoy the beach sports.

Another beach Ondarreta is also famous for surfing and adventure sports. If you want you can go hiking on the top of the mountain between the beaches. Hire a kayak and try to measure the depth of the water and tryst with the panoramic view.

The city of Guipuzcoa is beautifully decorated with the breathtaking green mountain landscapes which attracts attention of all. Going to this place and not visiting the museums and knowing its past history would be something like things done half heartedly.

The Dominican monastery built in 16th century has remarkable collection of Basque artifacts from prehistoric times. The museum of San Sebastian is worth seeing.

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101 Marketing Strategies - e Marketing Strategies

101 Marketing Strategies - e Marketing Strategies

101 marketing strategies:Contrary to public belief, people will always pay for quality products.Why? It simply makes their lives easier.Before you even think about any marketing strategies,what you need to ask yourself is,are you absolutely offering quality products to your customers.

There is simply no point in planning to execute 101 Marketing Strategiesif all you are doing is offering shoddy products.Eventually,your customers will see through you and one by one ,they will walk.

Value should always be the yardstick against which all your products should be measured.If your focus is sincerely on providing real value and helping people,it is just not possibe to fail.Why? Glad you asked.The reason being, people can see through shoddy products, no matter how much your sales pages are hyped.

You definitely do not want a reputation for providing poor quality products.Gaining a reputation for quality, on the other hand, leads to brisk sales and lots of repeat customers.

Provide Value And People Will Be Willing To Pay For It

The instant people notice that they get back added value from you than they paid in price, they in fact tend to be willing to pay you more over time.So, remember these facts in everything you do. Try to use it as a guide in your product selection, advertising, and in all of the information you share with prospective customers.A focus on value will always be the best approach.So remember, the top item on your list of 101 Marketing Strategies,VALUE.

10 Marketing Tips For Entrepreneurs

Nothing happens in business until a sale is made. Marketing is simply about getting new customers and keeping them. If you’re not doing something everyday to market and promote your business, your competitors are.

Here are ten easy-to-implement tips to effectively market and grow your business:

1. Partner with large email database list owners and offer to cross promote each oher. The list owner will advertise your event, product, or service to their email database and you’ll offer to do the same to your list.

2. Create your own blog which is an online journal with frequently updated posts to entertain and excite existing and potential customers. It’s more personal and immediate than a website and keeps people engaged and hopefully coming back for more. You can even create one for free at

3. If you want to increase word-of-mouth fast, do something beyond normal industry expectations. For example, Mr. Lube offers fast and affordable tune-up service to customers right on the spot, without having to leave the car, while offering coffee, cappuccino, and a fresh newspaper.

4. Always ask happy clients for endorsements or testimonials and put them on your website and other marketing collateral. They’re worth their weight in gold. Try to get some recognizable names in your community for additional cachet.

5. Put a special offer or product advertorial on every invoice and statement you send out. Likewise, you can also negotiate a deal with another company to advertise your product or service on all their invoices for a percentage of revenues from placed orders.

6. Make your business cards stand out and be natural keepers. Offer important information on the back such as emergency phone numbers, a map, or special dates to remember. Have a slogan that offers a powerful benefit statement to your prospective customer.

7. Offer special bonus packages with your product or service offering. Get corporate sponsors to give away products as part of the bonus package in exchange for free exposure.

8. Align your business with a cause or charity. Give back to your community. Customers appreciate doing business with companies that are bettering their communities and the environment and being good corporate citizens.

Wednesday 14 March 2012

Happiness - Giving Happiness

Happiness - Giving Happiness

We all want happiness. We all need appreciation. We all crave for recognition. We all want to be applauded. We all desire to be called as good and lovely human beings. We are all looking for this certificate from our friends, family and our partner. This makes us happy.

This makes us feel good about ourselves. This gives us new confidence in ourselves. This all gives us a new and positive self esteem, which is very important.
How to get it? Let us do all this for others. If no one is praising us, let us praise others. Let us do all that we want others to do to us. Let us give love, affection, appreciation, and let us applaud others even for a very small victory.

Will this help us? It helps us immediately. The first feeling we get after doing a good deed is feeling of satisfaction. This raises our self esteem in our own eyes.
This makes us feel good. By making others happy, we get happiness. So let us become proactive and get all we want by not asking for it, but giving it.

What will happen to others when they get such praise from us? They will feel very happy. They will be happy with us. They will like us even more.

Wednesday 7 March 2012

Dating Tips For Guys - How Often Should You Call A Woman?

Dating Tips For Guys - How Often Should You Call A Woman?: - Sent using Google Toolbar

Dating tips for guys:Communication is key to a healthy relationship. What some men might not realize is the significance of phone calls. How often to call a girlfriend? When to call a girl? How often to return a girl's calls?

The telephone- a marvel of the modern era, allowing communication over great distances. Although this wonder tool has been one of man's most valuable assets throughout human history, it has also been the source of some of man's biggest dilemmas and many a headache, particularly pertaining to girls.

This dilemma is only compounded by the advent of answering services, caller trace and other suchlike devices like video call.

Knowing when and how often to call is something every guy should know if he wishes to master the art of telecommunication with the fairer sex. After all, this knowledge can really make or break a relationship even before it has actually begun.

Calling the girl for the first time

So you meet the girl of your dreams in a club one night. You somehow build up the courage to talk to her and BAM!, instant connection. Interesting conversation then ensues. She actually laughs at your jokes and, wonder of wonders, she gives out her phone number.

Monday 5 March 2012

Erotic hypnosis - Enhance Your Love Life With Erotic Hypnosis

Erotic hypnosis - Enhance Your Love Life With Erotic Hypnosis

Erotic hypnosis: Ways to enhance your love life is something that every long term relationship eventually requires and it can be done with erotic hypnosis easily and quickly. Sooner or later your love life will be affected by the regular stresses of everyday life and many other factors that may make your love life seem lacking.

Often we hear that our partners are too tired to make love or perhaps there is a problem in the relationship that make love making just a bit more difficult than it used to be. Erotic hypnosis can keep both of you stimulated in preparation for good sex.

For starters it helps for you to be able to incorporate playfulness in the bedroom. Using erotic hypnosis can be fun and exciting, as well as funny. It helps dissolve tension and also helps you to get closer to your mate.

Learning how to become more spontaneous when it comes to erotic hypnosis can also help you to improve your love life. The reason for this is because it lets your mate know that you still find them sexy and attractive, which is the key to a great love life.

Here are some more tips to making your love life better:

1. Try to add some spice into your relationship by bringing toys to the bedroom with you. It can really make a huge difference.

2. Role playing is a great way for you to be able to make your love life a great deal better. It is also a good way to explore fantasies.

3. Explore your fantasies with your mate and be very specific in your requests. Just be sure that both you and your mate are comfortable with your ideas.