Friday 3 February 2012

Tulsa - Beautiful Parks,Activities,Arts,Theatres And Culture

Tulsa - Beautiful Parks,Activities,Arts,Theatres And Culture

Tulsa, you will be surprised to know has over 150 parks spread across the city, from tiny neighborhood "mini-parks" to sprawling recreation areas with almost every thing imaginable.

The Neighborhood Parks

Strewn across town in out of the way locations are tiny neighborhood parks sometimes with nothing more than an open area for kids to play football or baseball. Some will have a picnic table but they are generally small, quaint and very inviting for neighbors to gather and meet each other.

With television, America's communities have grown apart, sometimes with neighbors barely knowing each other. The internet has exasperated the problem. It's not uncommon for someone to talk with people from a half-a-dozen different countries on a regular basis, online, but speak with their own neighbor once a week if even that frequently.

These neighborhood parks help bring people together when our changing culture is working to spread them apart.

The Playgrounds

Tulsa has been referring to many of their parks as "playgrounds" not as a way of saying here's where kids can play, but to say here's where families can play. Typically the "playgrounds" include sports fields as well as play areas for kids often alongside picnic areas where parents can stay close and watch their kids.

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