Monday 6 February 2012

Tibet - Experience The Beauty And Spirituality Of Tibet

Tibet - Experience The Beauty And Spirituality Of Tibet

Tibet is a land that conjures up images of mountains and temples. A place whose mystique is unmatched by any other around the world. A people who can bring a smile to the face of any visitor.

All of these can be found in the farthest corner of China, atop the roof of the world. Tibet is one of a kind. No other place brings to mind such majestic scenery or spiritual splendour.

This is a land that will expel any doubt to whether or not there is a supreme power. One can`t help but sense that there is something greater that exists, that could only be responsible for creating such a magnificent place.

Tibet is a land of incredible points of interest. Besides home to the world`s tallest mountain, it boasts the world`s deepest canyon, the highest elevated river, as well as the highest elevated roads and airports. Yes, the highest elevated railroad can also be found in Tibet.

Tibet is a vast land, subsequently allowing visitors to usually only view a small piece of what it has to offer during one visit. Among the many attractions, the famous Potala Palace, Jokhang Monastery, Barkhor Street, Nam Co and Basum Co are just several must see places.

There are, however, many other gems the savy tourist should not go without seeing as well. Some of these include the Guge Kingdom Ruins and the Tombs of Tibetan Kings. Yet, if one did not spend any time seeing Tibet`s many historic attractions, one can gain enough satisfaction soley enjoying the splendid natural landscapes.

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