Sunday 18 December 2011

Viral Marketing Tips and Techniques- Definition,Information,Viral Traffic Ideas

Viral Marketing Tips and Techniques- Definition,Information,Viral Traffic Ideas

1 comment:

  1. It seems like lately, there has been so much written about Viral Marketing, and why you should be using it to drive traffic to your site. If you are not already using it, you need to start giving it some serious thought. So, what is viral marketing, and why should you give it a thought? Is it possible that it just might be another craze that will soon wither away?

    Viral marketing involves getting other people to willingly spread your message for you. People who appreciate what you have done tell other people, and the message spreads from person to person like a virus. When that happens, it is referred to as your message totally “gone viral.”

    It simply relies heavily on word of mouth advertising; someone sees or reads what you have to offer and tells a few of their friends. Their friends see or read your message and they tell a couple more of their friends, and so on , and so on.
