Tuesday 27 December 2011

Alchemy - Physical Alchemy,Biological,Psychological,Transcendental,Themes,Symbos

Alchemy - Physical Alchemy,Biological,Psychological,Transcendental,Themes,Symbos

Alchemy: Transmutation of one substance into another such as base metals into gold, water into wine, etc., is the physical aspect of alchemy.

It is often referred to as the "Greater Circulation." Much charlatanry and quackery became involved with this aspect and many people were cheated by rascals who claimed that they had in their possession the Philosopher's Stone that could effect a transmutation of base metals into gold.

Human greed knows no bounds; the poor wishes to be wealthy, the rich aims to be wealthier, and with all their efforts, whether successful or not, sorrow and suffering is the karmic result.

Aspirants of the Ancient Wisdom are taught that the world of form is transient and that one's happiness should not be based upon something that is illusory. Illusions do not last and they are not eternal.

They bind man to a false sense of human limitation. They enslave man to matter by seducing him to indulge in things that hampers the development of the soul.

Truth and the Real are that which is eternal and they are to be found in the "kingdom of God" within us.

Unfortunately, most Christians overlook this one of the most important injunctions of the Nazarene Master. The ancient precepts advises us further that the less earthly desires one has, the richer one truly becomes.

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